Monday, January 5, 2009

First Night 2009, featuring "Stories From The Stoop"

For First Night 2009, Andrea Lovett and I along with Norah Dooley and Laura Lovett put together and filmed a series of performances by children from the Franklin Park Tenants Association of Dorchester (we call this troupe "Stories From the Stoop") and teenagers from the Prospect Hill Academy, where Norah teaches. 

Here are several of the stories that Andrea and I have been teaching our kids for the last couple of months. We had a really good time, and I think the kids did, too. Thank you so much, Norah, for videotaping this terrific event.  Happy New Year!

This Persian-Iranian story is called "No Doubt About It".  Stanley, Nikhia and Khy-Asia helped me to tell this tale of a boy, his parrot, and a simpleton.

Eric and Stanley helped me tell this Scandinavian pourquoi tale called "Why Bear Has a Short Stumpy Tail", in which sly Fox has some fun at Dopey Bear's expense.

Andrea and the kids told their favorite story of all, "Baby Louise and the Ghost with One Black Eye".  This popular American ghost story has been told in various guises for years, and our troupe really made it their own!