Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Am I Blue?

Last night was my first night back at Brother Blue and Ruth's open mic in longer than I can remember.  It is truly a privilege to be able to both attend and participate at this strange and marvelous event.  Every time I go, I have the chance to grow as a teller.  How wonderful to see and feel the friendly faces of fellow tellers beaming upon me as I find my way through my latest "discovery".  

This time I tried out a Nigerian-Yoruban folk tale that captured my interest quite some time ago, about a brash young man and a talking skull that teaches him a tough lesson.  (Anyone know this one?  I'm planning on researching it further, I think it has a lot to teach me....)  Part-way through, I realized that I was telling this West African tale as if it was a jewish joke!?!  I've been telling so many of those lately - as I always do this time of year - because of Passover.  Funny how things spill over from one telling to another; in my mind, stories are so inter-connected with each other, I sometimes find it hard to separate them!  But strangely, it is by means of my mental "web" that I remember each one of them so distinctly........

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